Inquiry examples:

When you add a question in 'Edit Quiz', click the '+ a random question' to proceed.

At this time, create categories in advance to classify questions to be presented randomly.

1) Adding Categories and Questions

(Note) For random questions, the questions within a category are presented with the same score, so it is recommended to create categories by difficulty level.

(1) Add a category from the 'Course administration > Question bank > Categories' on the left menu.

EX. Difficulty level High/Medium/Low

(2) Click the [Create a new question] button in the 'Others > Question bank' in the left menu and add a question.

2) Edit quiz - Add a question (Random question)

(1) Click 'Quiz administration > Edit quiz' in the left menu.

(2) Click the [Add] button.

(3) Click ‘+ a random question’.

(4) Select a category from 'Random questions from existing categories', select the number of questions to be asked in the category, and click the [Add random question] button.