Show submit button - Yes

There are three statuses of student submission: 'Unsubmitted - Draft Submission - Completed Submission'.

After writing the assignment and attaching the file, the student clicks the [Save] - [Complete the assignment] button to complete the submission.

-Draft Submission: A student has clicked the [Save] button after typing the assignment or attaching a file.

You can make changes to assignments until the submission block date. -Completed Submission: A student has clicked the [Complete Assignment Submission] button to finally submit the assignment.

The student will no longer be able to make changes to assignments even if there is still time until the submission block date.

Show submit button - No

There are two statuses of student submission of assignments: 'Not Submitted - Completed Submission'.

After writing the assignment and attaching the file, the student simply clicks the [Save] button to complete the assignment.

-Completed submission: The student has submitted the assignment by typing the assignment or attaching a file and clicking the [Save] button.

You can make changes to assignments until the submission block date.

(Note) If the submission is completed after the end date and time, the status will be changed to 'Submission completed, *minutes *seconds late'.