If you change the setting from anonymous names to real names of respondents after the survey was conducted, you will not identify a real name of respondent who already did finish surveys.

If  you delete a record of respondent who already did finish surveys, the respondent cannot engage in surveys by a real name.

Accordingly, you should decide the status of setting about using real or anonymous name when making surveys.

(Anonymous name survey)

https://www.learnus.org/pluginfile.php/4632358/mod_ubboard/article/799628/스크린샷 2022-08-19 오전 10.47.40.png

(Real name survey)

https://www.learnus.org/pluginfile.php/4632358/mod_ubboard/article/799628/스크린샷 2022-08-19 오전 10.47.21.png